E-sky Honey Bee CP2 をFUTABA FF9(MODE2)で飛ばしたいのですがサーボのセッティングが分かりません。友人から μετάφραση - E-sky Honey Bee CP2 をFUTABA FF9(MODE2)で飛ばしたいのですがサーボのセッティングが分かりません。友人から Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

E-sky Honey Bee CP2 をFUTABA FF9(MOD

E-sky Honey Bee CP2 をFUTABA FF9(MODE2)で飛ばしたいのですがサーボのセッティングが分かりません。友人からCP2のプロポ無しを譲り受け、手持ちのFF9でセットアップしようとしているのですが



----------------- 前-----------------

------------ ELEサーボ---------

---PITサーボ--------- AILサーボ---

・ELE前 = ELEが上がりAILとPITが下がる(各サーボの動きは正しいがレバー操作とは逆)
・ELE後 =ELEが下がりAILとPICが上がる(各サーボの動きは正しいがレバー操作とは逆)

・ELE後 =ELEが上がりAILとPITも上がる

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
In the FUTABA FF9 (MODE2) blow a E-sky Honey Bee CP2 servo settings is not. No friend of CP2 radio took over and trying to setup your FF9.Setting of the servo to go well, are in trouble.The current settings are as follows-SR-swash type = 3-PPM(R/c system specification is a MODE2)AIL = NORELE = REVTHR = REBRUD = NORPIT-REV-Position the servos----------------- 前--------------------- - - - - - - - - ELE servo - - - - - - - - ----PIT servo - - ----- AIL servo -As the movement of each servoAnd rises three servo and throttle leversPitch up behavior. (Normal)-AIL right = AIL falling PIT rises (normal)-AIL left = AIL rose PIT goes down (normal)-ELE before = ELE up AIL and PIT falls (just the movement of each servo and lever reverse)-After the ELE ELE = falling AIL and PIC goes up (just the movement of each servo and lever reverse)As described above, ELE lever and move opposite will become.So you NOR ELE-Before the ELE ELE = falling AIL and PIT falls-ELE = goes up up AIL and PIT after the ELEAddition ELE servo movement reversed course as described above is-AIL right = AIL and PIT falls-AIL left = AIL and PIT goes-Raise the lever slot = AIL decreases up othersOf such cannot become a movement, to improve. Also replace the PIC with AIL the receiving instrument (pure 4 in 1)This is the result in the same situation. (ELE is pointing to Ch2)If any improvement measures multinationals know how will please your professor.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
E-sky Honey I want to skip the Bee CP2 in the FUTABA FF9 (MODE2) I do not know the servo settings. He handed the propoxycarbonyl without the CP2 from a friend, but I am trying to set up in the hand of FF9
have trouble not go well the servo settings.
Settings of the current situation is as follows, but , swash type SR-3 = - PPM (specification of propoxycarbonyl is MODE2) AIL = NOR ELE = REV THR = REB RUD = NOR PIT = REV -servo sequence ----- ------------ before ----------------- ------------ ELE servo ------ --- --- PIT servo --------- AIL servo --- as the movement of each servo by raising the throttle lever of the three servo to rise will be the pitch-up operation. (Normal) · AIL right = AIL decreases PIT increases (normal) · AIL left = AIL rises PIT is reduced (normal) · ELE before = ELE is AIL and PIT drops up (each servo movement is correct but lever operation and reverse) · ELE after = ELE is AIL and PIC increases fall (each servo movements are correct, but the reverse) is a lever operation will be above the street, the operation and the movement of ELE lever in reverse. So ELE the When NOR · ELE before = ELE drops AIL and PIT also fall · ELE after = ELE rises AIL and PIT also go up is that of course as described above, but the other is reversed only movement of ELE servo · AIL right = AIL and PIT falls · AIL left = AIL and PIT increases slot lever raise = AIL other raises the falls can not be improved to become like motion. The receiver side also replaced the AIL and PIC of (genuine 4in1) result in is the same situation. (ELE is pointing to Ch2) thank you for your professor if you have Welcome you know who the someone improvement measures.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
To E sky Honey Bee CP FUTABA FF 9 (2 MODE. I want to fly, I don"t know the servo setting. A friend without CP received propofol in FF your 9 to set up is thatServo settings go well in trouble.The current setting.And SR swash type 3And PPM(2 MODE specification of propofol.AIL by NORELE by REVTHR by REBRUD by NORPIT by REVList of servoBefore released book released bookThe servo ELE --------- ------------PIT --------- AIL --- --- servo servoThe movement of each servoTo raise the throttle lever 3 rises as the servoPitch up and operation. (normal)The AIL right down PIT raised by AIL (normal)Down and up to AIL left by AIL PIT (normal)Before that, ELE by ELE goes up and down AIL PIT (each servo motion and the correct operation of the lever is reverse.After that, ELE AIL ELE PIC rise and fall of each servo motion and the correct operation of the lever is reverse.As described above, and the operation of the lever moves in the opposite ELE.And then ELE NORAIL PIT falling down and, before that ELE ELEAIL and PIT rise and rise after ELE ELEIn addition, as described above, it is of course that ELE servo motion only in the oppositeAnd the right to AIL by AIL PITAnd AIL left by AIL PIT riseTo raise the lever slot; and the other AILCan"t be improved in motion. The receiver side (1 to 4 in pure and PIC replacement of AILThe result is the same. (ELE is face to Ch 2.Does anyone know of a way to improve your professor if you wish.
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